Friday 17 January 2014

The First Day

Today was the first day our group got to 'have fun' with the equipment. After a briefing from Mr. McManus, we left the classroom with the hopes of returning with the knowledge on how to use the equipment through hands-on experience. Our aim was to collect a few shots of our choice.

Between the three of us, we tested out the camera and potential equipment at our disposal, such as the monopod in our case, and we went out to gain some experience on how to use the equipment as correctly and effectively as possible. With Aram as our actor, a tracking shot was the first shot type that Kausar and I tried to capture. Also, we aimed to collect a few decent close ups and we felt that getting the hang of effective close ups would become useful to us. Seeing as how we did not have a crane to take advantage of, the two of us used the monopod in an attempt to capture the tracking shot as smoothly and as stable as possible. It did not work out how we had hoped, and we made a group decision to stick with a tripod for most of the project as it has the stability we need.
- Sharmarke.

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