Tuesday 11 March 2014


1. Card Scene
  • Master shot of the poker room. Possibly an aerial shot.
  • CU of the final hand being dealt by the dealer.
  • MCU of the dealer glancing at the gambler. Cuts to a POV shot of what he's looking at (the dealer)
  • OTS over the gambler at the dealer - dialogue - 'final bets'
  • Reverse OTS shot over the dealer at the gambler.
  • Cut to an ECU of his hands pushing the money to the centre.
  • Cut back to a CU of his face - dialogue - 'I'm all in'.

2. Outside Scene
  • WS of the driver waiting at the car. Driver pulls out his phone. 
  • ECU of his phone to read the text he has received.
  • Cut to a MCU of the driver. He looks up the street and down the street as he puts his phone away.
  • Dissolve into a MS of gambler as he walks. Holds his pocket and smiles.
  • WSs of the car as the driver walks around it to open the door for the gambler.
  • LS of the car as the driver closes the door.
  • MS of the driver as he walks around the car.
  • CU as the driver enters the car. Cut to black on the sound of the door shutting.
3. 'Driving Scene' - Credits Scene

  • No shot. Stays black for a few seconds. Can hear car engine starting up.

4. Gambler's Home Scene
  • LS of the gambler walking into his building.
  • WS him walking up the stairs.
  • LS of the gambler walking down the corridor.
  • POV shot as he approaches his door.
  • OTS MCU shot over the killer at the gambler.
  • TS of the killer pulling the gambler in the house. Door closes.

5. Final Scene - Corridor Scene
  • MS of the killer walking out of the house. ECU of his hand holding the money.
  • MS of the killer walking away from the door and throwing money to someone.
  • Cuts to a MS of the driver catching it.
  • ECU as he examines the money.
  • CU of the killer as he removes the mask. His identity is revealed.
  • CU of the drivers face. Dialogue - "time for number 13."
  • Fade to black. "FILM TITLE".
- Sharmarke.

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