Tuesday 25 February 2014


Our first idea was to use a balacava mask for the criminal, however the mask seemed too generic, as its seen as a typical criminal mask in your typical film, and as such we decided to take inspiration of using a animal mask instead, as seen a video game called hotline miami http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HQshGnjpo0&safe=active

The horse mask seemed to comedic, particularly due to its wide bright eyes and gaping mouth, so we decided to not use this animal mask
The chicken mask was too childlike or fake, with its hard plastic beak and very plain colour scheme, and as such did not suite our thriller theme.

Our final decision was to use a pigs mask. The pig masks gives a strong sense of dread due to the blood like red and pink along with the the various mini spots, possibly representing as blood. the mask was also rubber, giving it a edgy texture and feel, suiting perfectly wit our thriller.
The poker mat with the deck of cards in the centre.
A lot of printed fake money to use in the poker match. Also the money is
what the killer then steals from the gambler.We had a total of £200 worth of real £20 notes, however we could not use that amount to make the poker game money seem  'big' as we could not produce stacks of money big enough to do so. As such we resorted to making fake money from printing it out. However the money was still fake and as such only printed to one side, so we had to use a combination of both real and fake money to make a stack o money look legit. we put 1 £20 note on top and on bottom of the stack of fake notes so the it will appear legit to the viewers.

- Kausar.

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