Thursday 13 February 2014

The Story - Problem 2

Within our initial story, there was another problem we faced. We had worked out how to sort out our first issue - by keeping the camera on the two characters - but now our story became a little confusing as there was no clear motive as to why the main character was going to be abducted in the first place. Our original plan was to have the whole poker game but to shorten the scene we decided to just use the end to show what was going on. This would then make the story clear as the film progresses. So we further discussed what to do about this and we decided that we would attempt to place a phone call or send a text message between the gambler and the driver after showing the initial scene to show the audience that something was up, implementing clearly what the gambler had done to deserve it and whether it is business or personal.

Through discussion we had overcome the two main issues we had with our story. This led to myself rewriting the initial story to create a new and improved version. Now I had to write up a shotlist with the new story.

- Sharmarke.

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