Thursday 20 February 2014

Credits research

As we would have to include the typical credits found in a film opening, I had done some research into what the hierarchy of credits would be. After not too much looking into I found an article on Wikipedia which showed what the typical order is. Below is what the typical order is:

 After reading through that and verifying it with other sources, this is what we have decided to include in our opening:
  • Name of the studio
  • Name of the production company
  • Producer name
  • Director name
  • Starring
  • Film title
The initial plan is to place the studio and production company names at the beginning of the film, before anything is shown. The names of the producer and director come next during the poker scene. Characters who are starred will come throughout the rest of the film opening and the film title will be shown right at the end. We thought putting the title at the end of the film was a good idea because it allowed us to show the audience that the video they were watching was in fact an opening sequence. The reason for putting the studio and production company names at the beginning was to establish that it was a film and to follow the conventions of starting a film. We felt showing the producer and director names during the film opening was good because the placement was perfect for it and we didn't want to waste time before we actually started showing the film opening, therefore getting straight into the action.

- Sharmarke.

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