Thursday 10 April 2014

Addition of Dialouge

Dialogue was something that was suggested that we keep to a minimum due to the lack of professional skill. However, as our film was to be a thriller and we needed a few bits of speech here and there to help the audience understand what is happening in our film opening as, without it, the plot would have been harder to follow. Phrases such as "place your final bets" and "all in" were used to create a dramatic effect among the audience, perhaps suggesting that they are keeping talking to a minimal due to professionalism. Also, whilst Sharmarke is in the mask we considered the option of putting a voice-over suggesting to the audience that his voice has been disguised however we struck that out because it sounded unnatural and it would have been confusing as to why there was a vocal disguise when the mask is a basic and rubbery mask.

- Kausar.

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