Sunday 27 April 2014

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

During the creation of our media product we had researched the most common stereotypes associated with specific social groups. A well-known stereotype with black individuals is that they are exotic and criminal. This is why as a group we decided the killer/thief should be myself (Sharmarke) as I’m the only black person in our group. This would hopefully show that we do possess the knowledge and understanding of the most of obvious stereotypes.

We also used our media product to represent another social group. A known stereotype of white people is that they are rich individuals. This was supported by our film as the people participating in the underground poker game were rich which meant having a white character to feature would be a smart thing to do. This is how our decision to ask our friend Luke to be the victim came about as we thought that conforming to another stereotype will further show our understanding of how particular social groups are represented.

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